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Hiring An Orlando IT Company

Essential Questions To Ask Before Hiring An IT Company

Essential Questions To Ask Before Hiring An IT Company

Has your local IT service provider changed names? Maybe you don’t recognize any of the technicians, or was it purchased by a larger company without notice? If you’re a decision-maker who was surprised and confused by all the changes, contact us for more details.

Where Did My Local IT Company Go?

Just like in any industry, IT service companies do close, go out of business, expand, or large conglomerates purchase them as an investment. What originally was a local provider you’ve been using might now be a nationally owned corporate IT company not headquartered in your city, state, or country. With these buyouts and other changes on the rise and happening so rapidly, what can you do, who do you call, and who can you trust?

To help you understand the changes, we’ve put together a 2-minute video with some answers:

What Essential Questions Do We Recommend Asking?

After watching the video, you have a clear picture of what’s going on in the IT industry. Like any sector, locally, nationally, or globally, larger companies are purchasing smaller IT firms. That buying trend will continue to grow with no end in sight.

Knowing that the IT market is saturated with providers both locally and nationally owned, you now have more choices. However, when you are ready to hire an IT company, we don’t want you going in blindly, but to be prepared to ask targeted questions like those listed below.

What Are Your IT Company’s Long-Term Plans?

This particular question needs asking for one main reason. If you hire this IT company but not told before signing a contract, they’ve been proactively looking to sell their company; it could affect the level of service you’re signing up to receive, potentially putting you at risk. If the owners are seriously searching for a buyer, how dedicated to you and your needs will they be?

Is Your IT Firm Locally or Nationally Owned?

Traditionally locally owned companies provide a more personal touch than a national chain can offer. With the local company, the owner can stop what they’re doing, drive over to your location, and meet with you. The national chain schedules a meeting and sends out their representatives. It comes down to who are you more comfortable working with and meeting?

Are Your IT Technicians Outsourced, Contractors, Or Full-time Employees?

What’s the difference? Outsourced technicians are typically from another company that controls a specific service you’re using or needing. Contract technicians are usually local individuals who do service your area and can be with another firm. Full-time employees are staff that is employed by your IT service provider.

Do You Outsource Any Of Your IT Services?

To be clear, outsourcing your IT continues to be a service commonly offered by local IT firms. When a national company outsources those services, they have more resources at their disposal. If cost is a factor, then weigh out your options. However, if you prefer a more personal touch, consider a locally owned IT company for outsourced services.

Will You Sell Your IT Business Or Transfer Ownership?

With locally-owned IT companies that have been in business for many years, the owner does one of two things. They either sell the business or another person inside the company, i.e., relative, employee, partner, takes over the company with little to no operational changes. If the decision is not to sell but merely transfer ownership, they usually have a timeline, they will eagerly share with you.

Along with these questions and the ones presented in the video, you are more equipped when considering hiring an IT company. If for any reason you have specific IT questions you’d like to ask us, we invite you to give us a call.


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