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Important Cybersecurity Question To Ask Any Professional Services Firm

The Most Important Question To Ask…EVER!

The Most Important Question To Ask…EVER!

When hiring an attorney, accountant, or using a doctor for the first time, you are met with a list of questions to answer before having a meeting. Have you ever considered stopping and asking these or any professional service provider this critical question first? You might want to after what we’ve uncovered.

Why Do You Need To Ask This One Important Question?

It has always been assumed when you hire any professional service that you must answer all questions presented to you. Of course, the questions are only meant to understand why you need the assistance or what needs attention. There is nothing underhanded or malicious with any of these questions. However, before answering any question, you may think twice after what we reveal in our video.

If you want to know what the most important question to ask is, click and view the video:

Why Is The Answer To This Particular Question Crucial To You?

Assuming you’ve taken all the necessary precautions to protect your identity, medical records, or legal documents only meant for authorized eyes. What about the entities you initially provided answers that were documented and stored on their computers and servers? Will your personal information remain hidden and protected, and for how long?

Even though you are a business owner or high-end decision-maker, you’re also a consumer. That means you have personal information that could ruin your future, finances, and retirement if placed in the wrong hands when illegally used. The answer to this specific question lets you know what type of target you’ve become; invisible or exposed.

What Should You Do If The Answer You Get Makes You Feel Uncomfortable?

We recommend not providing any personal or company information to an organization that will not offer specific details about protecting client or patient records. As the owner of that information, you are entitled to the highest level of protection to safeguard your identity. That also applies to your organization.

If the person answering your question doesn’t have or knows the answer, then request to speak to the person or department that does. The individual you’re wanting oversees the cybersecurity and IT operation for the organization in question. If the company is reputable, their IT personnel will explain how your data is stored and protected from a cyberattack.

Should You Ask This Important Question About Your Business?

The answer to that question is absolutely! Your company takes in customer, client, or patient information and stores it on your computers and servers. Also, there are local or national data compliance regulations in place you must follow regarding your industry or face fines.

One of the best cybersecurity prevention practices is always to question your organization’s IT security protocols. We recommend scheduled and random system assessments and audits. The reason for this comes down to how vulnerable is your infrastructure, network, and cloud environment at any time.

What Does SemTech Say When A Client Asks Us That Important Question?

That is a great question. Thank you for asking. If you have a few minutes, I’ll take you through our cybersecurity and data protection process. We currently use…

If you’d like to know the most important question to ask, click, and view the video above. Or schedule a meeting with our IT team focused on identity protection for you, your clients, and your organization.


SemTech IT Solutions has been serving the industry since 1984 and have made it our duty to provide other companies with the IT solutions they need for all of their business needs no matter what industry they are in. By leveraging our comprehensive documentation you can achieve strategy-driven business outcomes by gaining unfettered access to all of your data.