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IT Support In Orlando FL

Winning IT Support In Orlando

What Does Winning IT Support In Orlando FL Look Like?

Downtime can be a killer. It costs businesses more than $1.5 million and 545 hours of staff productivity every single year. However, IT support in Orlando, Florida, shouldn’t just be about getting your systems up and running quickly after a crash. Read on to discover what top-tier IT support in Orlando FL looks like and who to turn to for experienced, personalized IT assistance.

IT Support In Orlando FL

Software Management

IT support services can help you find, customize, or even build custom-made software from scratch. They can install it for you and then train your employees so they know how to use it quickly, easily, and securely. Additionally, a good IT service will monitor your software programs around the clock, renewing licenses ahead of time, updating programs to eliminate vulnerabilities that could lead to a hack, and more. IT services can also help your business integrate one or more software programs to boost customer service, save time, and provide all staff members with access to important data.

Cybersecurity Monitoring and Support

Security breaches have risen by 11% since 2018 as hackers attack an average of 2,244 times a day. What’s more, cybercriminals can do a massive amount of damage as, on average, it takes companies over 200 days to realize they have been hacked.

A top-tier IT support service will use cutting-edge tools and expertise to prevent hacks. It will run regular cybersecurity assessments to ensure there are no vulnerabilities in your IT set-up that can be exploited by malicious third parties. It will use endpoint management to enable all business employees to connect to the network securely even if they work remotely or are using a personal cell phone rather than a company computer. IT support services also offer cybersecurity training for employees to help them understand and implement company cybersecurity guidelines. Furthermore, a good service will monitor your network 24/7 to immediately catch any potential hack and deal with it before it causes damage to your IT systems.

Cloud Migration and Support

Cloud computing is the future, but it also poses big challenges for companies that don’t know how to start using it to its full potential. A good IT support service will help you set up a cloud storage solution that suits your specific needs and is in line with local, state, and federal industry regulations. What’s more, the company’s IT experts will help you transition to the cloud without interrupting regular business activities and then continually monitor your cloud storage system to back up important data, keep an eye out for vulnerabilities, and look for ways to help your workers do their jobs faster and more efficiently than ever before.

Real-Time IT Support in Orlando FL

You don’t have to wait until your entire network is malfunctioning to call in expert IT assistance. A good company will have a help desk available 24/7 so your employees can get help if they run into problems such as user errors, software integration errors, being locked out of a program or cloud server, or what have you. What’s more, local support ensures you get not only virtual assistance but also help via an in-person visit when warranted.

IT Hardware Repair and Support

When IT hardware crashes, staff members can’t do their jobs until the problem is completely fixed. What’s more, customers and potential customers may experience delays in getting needed service, leading them to turn to a competitor for needed products and services. Good IT support firms know this and so work proactively to help you avoid hardware problems that could cost both time and money to repair. Many IT support services have expert IT consultants on hand who can help you upgrade hardware periodically to prevent common malfunctions. At the same time, they also have trained professionals on hand to repair any hardware crash and offer advice on how to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Why Work with SemTech IT Support in Orlando FL

Do you need IT support in Orlando FL that you can count on to provide friendly, efficient, honest service? Are you looking for a company that continually updates its tools and services to offer cutting-edge support that will put you ahead of the competition? If so, partnering with SemTech IT could be your best option. Our firm has been offering IT support in Orlando FL since 1984 and we have all the tools and resources you need to keep your IT systems running at optimal speed and performance now and in the future.

SemTech IT specializes in serving companies in industries with complex, challenging IT needs. These include law firms, healthcare practices and organizations, manufacturing companies, HVAC companies, property management service organizations, and membership service organizations. We also put a premium on offering the services small and mid-size business owners need in order to reach their core business goals.

Our technicians are all Microsoft and Sophos Certified. What’s more, we have a high employee retention rate so you don’t have to worry that the point person you have been working with for years is going to suddenly be replaced with a newbie who may not be familiar with your industry and company needs. As the number 1 rated Orlando IT service, you can trust us to continually offer a high level of customer service and assistance no matter what IT problems come your way.

The benefits of working with a good IT support company cannot be overstated. IT plays a vital role in every single industry and business and every single company should have a reliable team of IT experts to keep all IT systems running smoothly and securely at all times. If you are looking for IT experts who not only know their industry but also yours, get in touch with us to schedule an appointment at your convenience.


SemTech IT Solutions has been serving the industry since 1984 and have made it our duty to provide other companies with the IT solutions they need for all of their business needs no matter what industry they are in. By leveraging our comprehensive documentation you can achieve strategy-driven business outcomes by gaining unfettered access to all of your data.